Friday, September 23, 2011

Affordable Healthy Eating - Tomato Okra Sautee

Since doing health education modules with community members on hypertension, I've become especially interested in feasible, actionable ways of encouraging everyone to eat healthier. The DASH-sodium diet seems especially successful in helping people of African descent improve their blood pressure by encouraging increased fruit and vegetable consumption and decreasing salt.

Though I know healthy eating guidelines and recipes are available all over the internet, not many cater the the community with which I presently work -- low-income, African-American/Caribbean-American individuals. I hope to present some healthier/affordable options to the meals commonly eaten in this community which can be enjoyed by all!

Today's meal: Tomato Okra Sautee
  • 2lbs okra diagonally sliced
  • 1 tomato diced
  • 1/8 of an onion
  • pinch of sea salt
  • pepper
  • 1tbsp olive OR canola oil
  • italian seasoning (or dried oregano)
To skillet on medium heat, add olive oil, let it heat for 1-2 mins, add onions and tomoto. Sautee for about 3 mins. Add okra. Add pinch of salt, black pepper, dried seasoning. Stir. Remove from heat 2 mins later (or longer if you prefer softer okra).

This is done in less than 10 mins! and can be served with brown rice.

I usually just eat it by itself, because it's sooo good!

This dish is about 3 of the recommended 4-5 servings of vegetables required daily.

Bon Appetit!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Healthy Eating Plate

I'm swooning over Harvard School of Public Health's direct challenge to USDA's MyPlate. I love...

  • that it is annotated -- I mean, shouldn't that be obvious, USDA?

  • that it stresses WHOLE grains and HEALTHY proteins.

  • that the glass is filled with water and not dairy
  • That it notes foods to avoid and limit
  • That it includes staying active!
Great job HSPH! I think I'll be adopting this for my health education spiels instead. 

Photo credit: Harvard Health Publications.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Twitter-thumb : Social media-induced DeQuervain's Syndrome

As I type, my extensor pollicis brevis tendon is screaming for mercy. I am forced to take several (unwanted) breaks to ease the uncomfortable mix of pain and weakness that is sometimes accompanied by the uncanny twitching of my thumb and fingers. I am suffering from a terrible case of twitter-thumb. Bilateral twitter-thumb.